Ted Hsu, MP (Retired) Kingston and the Islands

EVENT DATE: March 9, 2016
TOPIC: I don’t work for the government! My experience as MP for Kingston and the Islands, and how Parliament and political parties could be improved to better hold the government of the day to account.

Ted Hsu was a Member of Parliament from 2011 to 2015. He served as the Liberal Party’s spokesperson for Science and Technology, Post-Secondary Education, Federal Economic Development in Ontario, and Natural Resources. He was also chair of the Ontario Liberal caucus. In 2013, parliamentarians from all parties voted him the MP who “Best Represents Constituents.” Ted studied physics at Queen’s University, received his PhD at Princeton, and was a research scientist at UBC, CNRS Grenoble, and Chalk River. Moving into finance, he joined Banque Nationale de Paris in Philadelphia and Paris, and Morgan Stanley in Tokyo. Returning to Kingston, he became Executive Director of SWITCH, an association promoting investment in sustainable energy. Ted now advocates for science and innovation in government and society. He is fluent in English, French and Mandarin. He resides in Kingston with his wife and two daughters.