Robert Clark, Kingston author, Correctional Services Canada (retired)

EVENT DATE: December 13, 2017
TOPIC: What is the real purpose of prison?

Robert Clark, Kingston author and retired prison official, spent thirty years working for Corrections Canada. Starting as a volunteer while doing his M. Ed. at Queen’s, he later worked in seven different federal prisons, at every level of security, in every conceivable role. His last position was Deputy Warden at the Kingston Pen. In his career he has worked with some of Canada’s most dangerous and notorious prisoners. He retired in 2010 and lives in Kingston.

He spoke about his new book, “Down Inside – Thirty years in Canada’s Prison Service.” It’s a compelling personal memoir and a scathing indictment of agenda-driven government policies. He challenges the “tough-on-crime” approach and argues for humane treatment and rehabilitation.

We are all aware that Kingston has many penal institutions in its environs. As well, there is extensive current interest among Canadians about our country’s significant use of solitary confinement in the various penal systems across provincial systems and the federal system. Robert Clark’s topic is timely and will provide thought provoking ideas for all attending.