Peggy Mason, President, Rideau Institute and Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament

EVENT DATE: January 22, 2015
TOPIC: Countering the Islamic State: Why Canada needs to change course

Peggy Mason is a recognized expert on post-conflict peace-building and the military’s role in supporting the peace process. She was Canada’s Ambassador for Disarmament to the United Nations (1989-1994); a Special Advisor to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade on small arms and light weapons control (2000-2001); and a Senior Fellow at Carleton University’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (2002-2012).

She now heads the Rideau Institute, a non-profit independent research and advocacy group in Ottawa that focuses on foreign policy and defence policy issues. She is a graduate and gold medallist of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Common Law, and was inducted into its Honour Society in 2003.