EVENT DATE: January 10, 2018
TOPIC: ESG – Another of Kingston’s Best Kept Secrets
Ken Arnold is the CEO of ESG Solutions, a Kingston company established in 1993 by a research group from Queen’s University. The company is a leader in its field – micro-seismic monitoring for the oil, gas and mining industries. It enables clients to improve safety and production in a range of activities: mining, fracking (hydraulic fracturing), enhanced oil recovery, wastewater injection, natural gas storage, carbon sequestration, geo-technical applications.
Ken Arnold and his family make their home in Kingston. Prior to his current business career, he studied engineering at Waterloo University, followed by a business degree from York University in 1988. Since 2010 Mr. Arnold has been the President of ESG Solutions.
In 2014 ESG Solutions was bought for $64 million by Spectris pic, a British consortium. The sale came after five years of rapid growth by ESG Solutions, said Ken Arnold at the time in a Whig interview. He added said that since its founding the company always wanted to build itself in Kingston, hiring staff from Canada and the United States who were interested in living here, and all the while maintaining a low profile in the community. ESG employs about 120 people, with 100 of them working at the company’s headquarters in Kingston.