James Leech, Chancellor Queen’s U.; Former CEO Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

EVENT DATE: November 10, 2015
TOPIC: A North Pole Expedition

Mr. Jim Leech has had a varied and successful career, culminating in his being the President and CEO of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, one of the largest pension plans in the world. He has also been special advisor to the Ontario Minister of Finance concerning the provincial electricity sector pension sustainability. He chairs the board of the Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation and the MasterCard Foundation. He was a founding director of Right to Play International. He recently co-authored The Third Rail, Confronting our Pension Failures, and was awarded the 2013-2014 National Business Book Award.

 Mr. Leech is the Honorary Colonel of the 32nd Signal Regiment of the Canadian Armed Forces. He was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 2012.

In May 2014 he was a member of Canada’s largest expedition to ski to the Magnetic North Pole, in aid of raising awareness and funds for Canadian Military veterans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

In July of 2014 Mr. Leech was invested as a Member of the Order of Canada, in recognition of his contributions as an innovator in pension management, his writings about retirement funding, and his wide and varied community involvement. Mr. Leech is a graduate of Royal Military College and Queen’s University.