Dr. Mohamed Bayoumi – Chair, Local Kingston Islamic History Month, Canada

EVENT DATE: March 13, 2008
TOPIC: A Framework for Understanding Islam

Dr Bayoumi is a pillar in Canada’s Muslim community.  He is a board member and regional director of the Canadian Islamic Congress.  He is a Past President of the Islamic Society of Kingston.  He chaired the Kingston Committee on Islamic History Month Canada (October 2007).  He has spoken on Islam at numerous groups, schools and churches. 

His other volunteer activities are legion.  Inter alia, he is a governor and board member of Kingston General Hospital (KGH).  He is a board member of Queen’s Theological College. 

Dr Bayoumi is a Professor Emeritus in Electrical and Computing Engineering at Queen’s University.  He had a distinguished career there and also taught at the Royal Military College (RMC).  He initiated the area of robotics at Queen’s and helped establish the Robotics Laboratories at both institutions.  He was born in Alexandria, Egypt where he graduated in electrical engineering.  He holds a Masters degree in Mathematics and Doctor of Technical Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.  A Canadian citizen, he lives in Kingston.