Alia Hogben, Executive Director of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW)

EVENT DATE: March 11, 2010
TOPIC: The Challenges of being Muslim

Alia Hogben was born in Burma, was raised in India and lived in other countries as the daughter of an Indian diplomat. She currently lives with her family on a farm near Kingston.

Founded in 1982, CCMW is the most prominent Muslim women’s group in Canada.  It assists Muslim women and others to learn about Islam and its message of equality, pluralism and inclusiveness; and to participate as fully as possible in all aspects of living.  CCMW opposed the implementation of Sharia law during the debate in Canada.

Alia writes a monthly column on Islam and Muslims for the Kingston Whig-Standard.  She speaks regularly at domestic and international events; and she is frequently interviewed by Canadian and international media.  Prior to joining CCMW, she worked with the Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services.  She has also served as Director of the March of Dimes; taught human studies at St Lawrence Community College; and worked with the Children’s Aid Society.